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苏钰 丁志伟 马坚凌 ?解放军总医院耳鼻咽喉头颈外科
事实上,国内家长普遍对耳廓形态畸形的了解、认知、重视程度严重不足房艺谈,一般都持“等待+观 望”的态度林慧仪,寄希望于耳廓的自行矫正,甚至视而不见,极少采用积极的方式进行矫正。令人惊讶的是许多儿科、耳鼻喉科及整形科医生也对该病的发生和治疗没有足够的认识和重视。往往导致就医不及时、错过最佳治疗时间,造成令人遗憾的结果隋主沉浮。 因此,亟需对耳形态畸形的非手术矫治的相关知识进行普及和推广。通过正确的耳廓畸形的分型诊 断,早期诊断并应用无创治疗方法矫正。因为有矫治最佳时间的限制,为了解决这一问题,梅奥诊所对新生儿听力筛查的工作人员进行培训姚沁蕾 ,将新生儿耳廓形态筛查与新生儿听力筛查结合起来,目前我科也采取了该筛查模式,落雨大 使筛查窗口前移,筛查人员规范化,诊断治疗及时化,马来法取得了良好效果。

《国际小儿耳鼻咽喉科学杂志》?2012, 76(10):1406-1412Identification of congenital auricular deformities during newborn hearing screening allows for non-surgical correction: A Mayo Clinic pilot study 黄信阳 ??《Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol》2012韩志然,76(10):1406-1412
Abstract 摘要
Objective 目的
To introduce a Mayo Clinic pilot study in which newborn hearing screeners are trained to identify congenital auricular deformities杯具女王 , allowing for non-surgical correction with a simple splint initiated in the immediate neonatal period.
介绍梅奥诊所的初步研究金寨天气预报 ,在该研究中华宏眼镜厂,新生儿听力筛查者接受培训以识别先天性耳廓畸形,使得患儿在新生儿时期开始使用简单夹板进行非手术矫正海岛金山寺 。
Methods 方法
Newborn hearing screeners received education on evaluation of congenital auricular deformities. Ten infants with 19 affected ears amenable to treatment with a simple splint were enrolled between June 15 and December 10星际花匠生活, 2009. Splinting was initiated prior to the infant's discharge from the hospital.
Results 结果
Congenital auricular deformities amenable to correction with splinting included cup ear倾城之恋灵希 , Stahl's ear, and prominent ear. All ears were assessed by physical examination and photographic documentation prior to splinting and at follow-up visits. All exhibited improvement from the original deformity after 1–4 weeks of splinting. There were no instances of skin irritation or breakdown.
先天性耳廓畸形矫正与夹板包括杯状耳,猿耳,招风耳地拉罗司 。所有耳朵在夹板前和随访时均通过体格检查和照片进行评估附身成鹰 。在1-4周夹板后白洁全传,所有患者都显示出畸形明显改善,没有皮肤刺激或破溃的情况。
Splinting therapy of congenital auricular deformities is very effective when initiated within the first 3 days of life while cartilage is quite malleable. Newborn hearing screening is performed within 24–48 h of birth and is an ideal opportunity to identify auricular deformities. This pilot study shows that early identification of auricular deformities by properly educated newborn hearing screeners is feasible, allowing for successful initiation of splinting therapy.
先天性耳廓畸形的夹板治疗在出生的前3天内非常有效象山港论坛 ,软骨具有可塑性客官不可以。新生儿听力筛查在出生后24-48小时内进行,是识别耳廓畸形的理想机会。这项初步研究表明,通过受过良好教育的新生儿听力筛查者早期发现耳廓畸形是可行的,可以成功启动夹板治疗。


