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全部文章 admin 2020-04-01 647 次浏览


Speaking at the annual gathering of the world’s elite in Davos二段横踢 , Robert Johnson牧童词, the president of the Institute for New Economic Thinking早安小娇妻 , said: “I know hedge-fund managers all over the world who are buying airstrips and farms in places like New Zealand because they think they need a getaway.”Reports by Bloomberg and the New Yorker have suggested dozens of Silicon Valley futurists are secretly preparing for doomsday周炜简历 , acquiring boltholes in the country. Jack Ma奇妙糖果屋 , the man behind Alibaba竹苑情歌 , China’s answer to Amazon and its richest man决战关东 ,createparameter is also reported to have shown interest in buying a home there.Land sales to foreign buyers are booming in New Zealand卡纳耶娃 , with 465小邋遢简谱 ,863 hectares bought in 2016赌王之王 , an almost sixfold increase on the year before. That is the equivalent to 3.2% of farmland in a country of 4.7 million people.Despite this apparent boom剿匪英雄 , official statistics show that of the 48求爱敢死队 ,韩世雅 603 property transfers registered by the government in the three months to June童珺 , just 3% were buyers with an overseas tax residency.The bulk of those buyers were Chinese mainlanders别了温哥华 , followed by Australians. Tax